Preventative Dentistry

What is Preventative Dentistry?

Cleanings & Exams

The best way to maintain good dental health is prevention through regular cleanings and oral evaluations to ensure healthy teeth. Recommended every six months, our team provides thorough and individualized care for each of our patients to ensure excellent treatment plans and education for both kids and parents on good dental habits.


Fluoride varnish is a dental treatment that helps prevent tooth decay. It is made with the mineral fluoride, that helps strengthen the outer coating on teeth, enamel, and the varnish is “painted” on the teeth with a small brush. The varnish is sticky when applied to the teeth, but hardens when it comes in contact with saliva and is not painful to apply. Patients can eat and drink after the varnish is applied, but should take care to avoid hot foods, liquids, and sticky candy afterwards.


Digital x-rays allow for easy diagnosis of dental conditions as it allows us to capture images of the mouth for dentists to see between the teeth and under the gums. This allows for them to accurately detect abnormalities and create treatment plans for problem areas that may have gone undetected otherwise.

Well-Baby Exams

Good dental health starts by forming oral hygiene habits early on. he American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend babies have their first dental visit within six months after their first tooth appears, but no later than the child’s first birthday. During a well-baby visit, the dentist will be able to answer any questions about your baby’s oral health just like a pediatrician would do during a well-baby visit. The appointment will consist of an examination of the child’s teeth and gums, recommendations on the best products and ways to clean the child’s teeth, and discuss specific diet and fluoride needs. Baby teeth are an essential part of the development of adult teeth and seeing a pediatric dentist will help ensure the child’s dental health through their adulthood.

Space Maintainers

A space maintainer is a custom made appliance that provides a space for a permanent tooth to grow into the correct place. Baby teeth are an important factor in making sure development of the teeth, jaw bones, and muscles into adulthood. If a baby tooth is lost early, the space maintainer will help the space stay open to allow for the adult teeth to come into place correctly.


A dental sealant is a thin coating painted on the surface of the tooth to help prevent tooth decay and “seal” the deep grooves of the teeth. Usually placed on the premolars and molars, the sealants will help protect enamel from bacteria, plaque, and acids that cause tooth decay.

Restorative Dentistry


Teeth extractions occur when a tooth has severely decayed, abscessed, or has been broken in a way that cannot be repaired. Other circumstances for teeth extraction include poor positioning in the mouth (such as impacted teeth) or in preparation for orthodontic treatment.


Fillings are used to treat cavities and repair chipped teeth. Teeth are filled with white composite or white glass ionomer, which are designed to look like natural teeth.


Crowns are recommended when there is extensive decay, a tooth has been fractured from trauma, or the tooth did not form properly. We use both white zirconia crowns and stainless steel crowns.

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)

Silver Diamine Fluoride is an FDA-approved antibiotic liquid clinically applied to control cavities and prevent further progression. Composed of two primary components, silver and fluoride, silver diamine fluoride strengthens the underlying protective layer of the teeth and acts as an antimicrobial agent.


Cleanings & Exams

The “frenulum” or “frenum” is the cord of tissue centered at the upper lip or under the tongue that typically recedes and thins as a child grows older. In some children, however, the frenum can be short or tight and cause a restriction in the mobility of the tongue or upper lip. A frenectomy is a simple procedure where the frenulum is clipped or severed to allow for more movement.


Natural & beautiful appearance

Durable and long-lasting

Do not lead to tooth decay

Feel natural in the mouth

How do I get started?

Every patient is different. To ensure you are the best candidate, you’ll want to schedule a consultation for our team to exam your mouth. From there, we’ll be able to provide you with your treatment options, talk about payment and how soon you will benefit from results.


Do you have concerns about cost?

We never want payment to hold anyone back from receiving the care they need for a healthy and happy smile. We aim to make it easy with several financial plans and guidance from our Financial Coordinator.

Do you Have Dental Anxiety?

We offer sedation dentistry!

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